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         In-Person Profile Check

Future-Ready Solutions for Profile Check

We prevent our clients from prospective false claims and identity fraud by rigorously investigating the profiles that underwriters find tough to verify. This is specifically an incredible investigation service for you to keep the threat of forged claims at bay.

Our team of experienced investigators proves unrivaled when it comes to hustling hard on-ground and online to tap on any suspicious element, which detects any default or discrepancy in profiles. In short, we are the strongest squad of verifiers that load organizations with informed decisions to onboard insurers only when they pass the acid test of identity check.

AI-powered identity verification tools can help validate customer information and prevent identity theft or misrepresentation.

Harness the power of AI with end-to-end automation technologies.

Insurance Fraud Intelligence APIs for all your needs

  • Embed Our Insurance/Healthcare Services into your products using our modular building block APIs for onboarding, Claims, risk, fraud, underwriting, KYC, and more.
  • OCR APIs:

    • KYC APIs Provide KYC Data for each customer, Document Classifier Classified the documents
    • Medical Bills – Provide Medical Bills Data, Health Policy – Provide Health Policy Documents
    • Motor Policy – Provide Motor Policy Documents, General Invoice Extract – Provide OCR Extraction Data from Invoice
    • KYC Masking – KYC Masking OCR API, Discharge Summary – Provide Discharge Summary Documents

    Analytics APIs

    • Analytics Pin code- Provide Analytics pin code wise data, Analytics Financial – Provide Analytics Financial data
    • Analytics Diagnostics – Provide Analytics Diagnostics data, Analytics Income – Provide Analytics of Income data
    • Journey Data – Provide Journey data, Fraud Prediction – Provide Fraud prediction data
    • Civil Fraud -Provide Civil Fraud data, Married Status -Provide married status data, NL Document
    • Analytics State – Provide Analytics State data, Analytics Cities – Provide Analytics City data,

    Face APIs

    • Age Predict – Age Predictor from the user’s face,
    • Smoker Detector from the user’s face, 
    • BMI Predict – BMI Predictor from the user’s face,
    • Face Match – Face Match API, BMI Predict – BMI Predictor from the user’s face
    • Plug and play Face Match API

This is to show the true health status of the insured individual, which requires a vicinity check and physical visit to confirm his real health status. Our expert investigators aggressively cross-examine his/her current health status and past medical history from the local people. Certainly, it needs an experienced bunch of professional investigators, which we have to visit in the field for the authenticity check of whosoever has applied for insurance. Subsequently, our team witnessed his livelihood, health condition, and financial status, besides asking for authentic residential & identity proofs.

  Scope of Work in Video Verification

It is to mitigate the risk via a script with a set of questionnaires. It helps our backend team members to gauge the genuine & health condition of the customer. We fix an appointment with the customer before initiating a video call using a secure telecommunication app.

On-Video Profile Check

This verification is rolled out when an official on the risk/ underwriting team is not so sure about the validity of all or partial facts that the candidate has provided. These are the cases wherein physical verification is not possible. SpyBot Verifacts, then, takes this challenge through video verification. We deploy this automated method using a video verification app, which defines how efficiently we are turning future-ready by embracing advanced technologies to go beyond the call of duty. It helps the verification executive to host one-on-one with the candidate and do the fact-check about his profile and health condition.

Major Aspects covered

  • Pre & Post Policy Issuance checks for the Life and General Insurance Industry.
  • Claims Processing work for the Life and General Insurance Industry.
  • Death and Health Claim Investigation for the Life and General Insurance Industry.
  • Underwriting work for the Life and General Insurance Industry.

The Given below Points are Mandatory Requirements for Insurer Companies in India in the Risk Report, Pre – Proposal Verification / Risk Investigations:

  • Occupation Details of Life Assured – Exact Nature of Occupation of Life Assured.
  • Existence of Life Assured.
  • Annual Income of Life Assured.
  • Current Health Status of Life Assured.
  • Authentication of Age Proof Given.
  • Authentication of Income Proof is Attached to the Proposal Form.
  • Points Noted have a Difference by Investigator as per the Investigation done and Proposal Form Details.
  • Customer Background / Profile Check Mortgage / High-Value Customer.
  •           Scope of Work in Video Verification

  • It is to mitigate the risk via a script with a set of questionnaires. It helps our backend team members to gauge the genuine & health condition of the customer. We fix an appointment with the customer before initiating a video call using a secure telecommunication app.
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